Zimske radosti. Jacek ljubi hitrost, Nana pa v strahu raje miži, kot gleda smreke, ki drvijo mimo. Naš mali pravi, da joka, ker jo je strah. Zanimivo je kako vsako ilustracijo z navdušenjem sprejme, pokomentira in po svoje interpretira. In prav to me navdihuje.
According to the weather outside (it was snowing on Easter!) it is in the context to post one winter post. ;-)
Winter joy. Jacek loves speed, but Nana shuts her eyes in fear and does not want to look at the spruces rushing by. Our littleone says she is crying because she is afraid. It is interesting how he enthusiastically accepts each illustration, he comments it and interprets in in his own way. That is what inspires me so much.
Zimske radosti, akril na papirju 295 x 208 mm |
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