sreda, 27. junij 2012

Ana + Damijan: poroka Pr'Noni

O minuli poroki Ane in Damijana lahko govorim le v superlativih. Najprej naj povem, da sta mladoporočenca izjemno energičen par, od katerih se kar nalezeš energije in dobre volje. Kot bi to ne bilo dovolj, sta celotno poročno dogajanje imela v Ošteriji pr'Noni, kjer je res krasen ambient in odlična kulinarika. Potrudila sta se tudi z detajli, kar naju z Matjažem vedno navduši.
Ana in Damjan, še enkrat hvala, da sem bila lahko del vajinega posebnega dne in uživajta še naprej kar se da!

The wedding of Ana and Damijan was all in superlatives. First I have to say that they are a couple with great energy that can easily affect you. As if that was not enough the entire wedding day had taken place at Ošterija Pr'Noni, where there is great atmosphere and excellent cuisine. They even choose a lot of details that me and Matjaž love.
Ana and Damijan, thank you once again that I may have been a part of your special day. Take care and enjoy! 

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