Na splošno pa sem bila očarana nad švedskim dizajnom in smislom za vse kar je lepo ob boku z "ne nastopaškim" načinom življenja. S tem mislim to, da na celi naši poti po Švedski nismo srečali toliko dobrih avtomobilov kot pri nas, tam skorajda ni jaht, so pa jadrnice v vseh možnih izvedbah, hiše so majhne in preproste, a urejene s stilom.
Za Švedsko in Norveško sem vedela, da sta tako lepi in drugačni, presenetila me je pa Danska s svojo čarobno obalno pokrajino. Na eni strani strmi klifi, na drugi pa dolge peščene plaže in stari stolpi, zakopani ter pozabljeni med sipinami.
Težko je na hitro strniti doživetja enega meseca v petih državah, toliko stvari in krajev je na nas naredilo velik vtis. Spodaj je le nekaj splošnih utrinkov s poti.
After our one-month vacation we are back home for some time now. On our holiday we didn't really rested, but we drove a good number of kilometers (10,200). We are not the kind of people who spend their holidays at one and the same place and we are very happy that we made our little one get used to the rhythm of spending our free time. At times he seemed to enjoy even more than we did. It is true that the way we adapted to him, it was a lot of stopping, we played with the ball, chasing, we were descending kite, played badminton - in short, we were doing something to "burn" energy. For animal intermezzo we visited the unique safari Knuthenborg in Denmark, then Skansen - the outdoor Museum and Zoo in Stockholm, we went whale watching in Norway and we saw many reindeer and moose on the roads throughout Scandinavia. To satisfy the little curious heads we stopped in the Viking Museum, we climbed the real glacier, we observed local fishermen and chatted with them, we were picking blueberries and ultimately played on amazing playgrounds in the camps. And when your two-year-old child exclaims: "What a great day!" at your breakfast on a rock with a beautiful view - you know you're on the right track.
In general, I was captivated by the Swedish design on the side of modest lifestyle. The houses are small and simple, but decorated with style.
For Sweden and Norway, I knew they were so beautiful and different. But Denmark, it surprised me with its magical coastal landscape. Steep cliffs on the one hand and long sandy beaches with ancient towers, buried and forgotten among the dunes on the other.
It is difficult to quickly summarize the experience of one month in five countries, so many things and places impressed us. Above are just a few general impressions of the way.
Nadkrasni ste :). In fotke so prelepe :). Všeč mi je ko takole potujete....Upam, da bova midva tudi najin podmladek takole vozila naokoli :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper, da takole navdušimo! :) Sej ni težko, samo odpravit se je treba. ;)
IzbrišiHvala :)